Call for International Expedition

Call for International Expedition Participants

"Asian Trans-Disciplinary Karst International Expedition"

We welcome you explore some parts of Karst of Sangkulirang Mangkalihat, Kalimantan Timur and Kalimantan Utara Province & Karst of Banggai Kepulauan & Banggai Laut. Details of the location can be seen in this page. For those who are interested in Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat location, please register your team through this form below. For Banggai Kepulauan and Banggai Laut expedition, please visit the website here.

Important Dates

December 2023-May 2024: Call for participant

January – June 2024: Preparation

July 2024: International Expedition

International Expedition Registration Form

Please fill the date you plan to arrive in Indonesia
We will use this to approximate the expedition budget and logistic needs
If you want to explore more than one block, please put the tick at the intended location. Further details and information for Banggai Kepulauan and Banggai Laut Expedition please kindly visit or reach our email at

What to do after filling the form?

We will assess the schedule and the resources availability. After we set the schedule, budget, and itinerary, we will inform you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.